LEW (Learn English Well)
LEW (Learn English Well)
Learn it with me, Learn it with ease
LEW Social Walk
LEW Social Walk
The LEW Social Walk gives students the opportunity to socialise with others while taking in the wonderful views around them. Students are welcome to bring food and drink along with them on the walk as there will be time to stop and have a break at the chosen destination. Students may also invite friends on the walk if they would like. The walk is completely free and optional to join.
The date and time for the next Social Walk is: Saturday 21st August @ 12:30
Meeting point: Bournemouth Tennis Courts
Walking destination: N/A
Duration: Approximatively 90 minutes
In the meantime, you can have a look at the pictures from the previous walk which took place on 19th June 2021 to Coy Pond.
3rd Social Walk - Tropical Gardens - Saturday 17th July 2021​
3rd Social Walk - Tropical Gardens - Saturday 17th July 2021​

2nd Social Walk - Coy Pond - Saturday 19th June 2021
2nd Social Walk - Coy Pond - Saturday 19th June 2021

1st Social Walk - Coy Pond - Saturday 14th June 2019
1st Social Walk - Coy Pond - Saturday 14th June 2019