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English Online Social


​The English Online Social is for anyone who is unable to practise their English enough or would like to have the opportunity to meet people speaking the English language. The Online Social will be for around 30-40 minutes and a topic maybe even a game will be chosen by for you all to discuss.    

This event is open to current, former, new students or even people who want to practise their English, this gives everyone who joins the opportunity to practise their English. The online social is free and is available for any level to join. All you need is an internet connection and Microsoft teams.

Everyone can speak in this wonderfully interactive social event, join the next one and use your English with confidence and enjoy meeting and learning from new people. 

Microsoft Teams is used for the online gathering and is free to download. Once you have declared your interest in joining the gathering, you can join the meeting via the details below, so you can join the meeting at the right time. If you wish to join the 'Free Online English Meeting' WhatsApp group then send me your mobile number.

Don't delay and come to the next online social!!!!!!!!!

Next Online Social!!!


Date: N/A

Time: 09:00 GMT

Location: Microsoft Teams  

Meeting Link:

Meeting focus: Discussion: TBA

                        Game: TBA



Before the next online social, you can check out some pictures from the previous ones!!


22nd Online Social (Discussion) - Saturday 1st March 2025

Two students were able to make it to the 22nd online social, there were some familiar faces and someone making an appearance in their first social of the year, it was back to having a debate about an interesting topic, no fun game on this occasion. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one and other students from around the globe can join.


20th Online Social (Discussion & Game) - Saturday 28th December 2024

One student was able to make it to the 20th online social, there was a familiar face and Santa made an appearance in this Christmas social, it was back to having a debate about a Christmas topic, in addition to a Christmas riddle. It was great seeing you there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one in February and other students from around the globe can join.


21st Online Social (Discussion & Game) - Saturday 1st February 2025

Four students were able to make it to the 21st online social, there were some familiar faces and a few new ones made an appearance in the first social of the year, it was back to having a debate about an interesting topic, in addition to a fun game. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one and other students from around the globe can join.


19th Online Social (Discussion & Game) - Saturday 30th November 2024

Five students were able to make it to the 19th online social, there was a new face and some familiar ones and it was back to having a debate about a fascinating topic, in addition to a 'Yes and No' game. Students met for the first time in this social event and there were also some reunions. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one in December.


18th Online Social (Discussion & Game) - Saturday 26th October 2024

Two students were able to make it to the 18th online social, there was a new face and a familiar one and it was back to having a debate about a fascinating topic, in addition to a 2 Truths and a Lie game. Students met for the first time in the social event. It was great seeing you both there and hopefully you can both make it to the next one in November.


17th Online Social (Discussions) - Saturday 21st September 2024

Two students were able to make it to the 17th online social, there were familiar faces and it was back to having some debates about a few fascinating topics with everyone. There were some reunions for a few as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one in October.


16th Online Gathering (Discussions) - Saturday 20th July 2024

Three students were able to make it to the 16th online gathering, there was a participant for the very first time, familiar faces and it was back to having some debates about a few fascinating topics with everyone. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one in September.


15th Online Gathering (Discussions) - Saturday 29th June 2024

Three students were able to make it to the 15th online gathering, there was a participant for the very first time, familiar faces and it was back to having some debates about a few fascinating topics with everyone. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one in July.


14th Online Gathering (Discussions) - Saturday 18th May 2024

There was a fantastic turnout as the 14th online gathering had new students, participants for the very first time, familiar faces and it was back to having some debates about a few fascinating topics with everyone. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one in June.


13th Online Gathering (Discussions) - Saturday 20th April 2024

There was a great turnout as the 13th online gathering had new students, participants for the very first time, familiar faces and it was back to having some debates about a few fascinating topics with everyone. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one in May.


12th Online Gathering (Discussions) - Saturday 16th March 2024

There was a great turnout as the 12th online gathering had new students, participants for the very first time, familiar faces and it was back to having some debates about a few fascinating topics with everyone. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one in April.


11th Online Gathering (Discussions) - Saturday 17th February 2024

After a long delay, there was a great turnout in the 1st online gathering in just short of 3 years, as the 11th online gathering had new students, participants for the very first time and it was back to having some debates about a few fascinating topics with everyone. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one in March.

4 Students at Online Gathering #10 - May 2021

10th Online Gathering (Discussions) - Saturday 22nd May 2021

There was a great turnout in the 10th online gathering and it was back to having some debates about a few fascinating topics with everyone. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few students as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one.

3 Students at Online Gathering #9 - April 2021

9th Online Gathering (Games) - Saturday 24th April 2021

There was a great turnout in the 9th online gathering and it was back to playing a fun game with everyone. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few students as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one.

1 Student at Online Gathering #8 - March 2021

8th Online Gathering (Discussion) - Saturday 20th March 2021

One student was able to make it to the 8th online gathering and it was back to having a fascinating discussion with her. It was great seeing her there and hopefully she and others can make it to the next one.

6 Students at Online Gathering #7 - February 2021

7th Online Gathering (Games) - Saturday 20th February 2021

There was a great turnout in the 7th online gathering and it was back to playing a fun game with everyone. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few students as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one.

1 Student at Online Gathering #6 - January 2021

6th Online Gathering (Discussion) - Saturday 30th January 2021

There was just a single student in the 6th online gathering and it was back to having a discussion about an interesting topic. The student had the opportunity to express themselves to me during the entire gathering. It was great seeing her there and hopefully she can make it to the next one as well as some other students.

5 Students at Online Gathering #5 - October 2020

5th Online Gathering (Discussion) - Saturday 31st October 2020

There was a great turnout in the 5th online gathering and it was back to having a discussion about an interesting topic. Students met for the first time and there were some reunions for a few students as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one.

4 Students at Online Gathering #4 - October 2020

4th Online Gathering (Games) - Saturday 10th October 2020

There was a great turnout in the 4th online gathering and the very first games version; a game was played and students met for the first time, there were some reunions for a few students as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one.

7 Students at Online Gathering #3 - September 2020

3rd Online Gathering - Saturday 19th September 2020

There was a fantastic turnout in the 3rd online gathering; a couple of topics were discussed and students met for the first time, there were some reunions for a few students as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one.

6 Students at Online Gathering #2 - August 2020

2nd Online Gathering - Saturday 8th August 2020

There was a fantastic turnout in the 2nd online gathering; many topics were discussed and students met for the first time, there were some reunions for a few students as well. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one.

5 Students at Online Gathering #1 - June 2020

1st Online Gathering - Saturday 27th June 2020

There was a great turnout in the 1st online gathering; many topics were discussed and many students met for the first time. It was great seeing you all there and hopefully you can all make it to the next one.

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