LEW (Learn English Well)
LEW (Learn English Well)
Learn it with me, Learn it with ease
Milestones in LEW are recognised when students reach 50,100,150,200,etc lessons. In their landmark lesson the student/s will receive a gift in appreciation of their loyalty to LEW as well as having a complimentary lesson. Once students have reached their milestone the current pricing structure will apply to all the lessons they have even after the prices change.
Most Recent Milestone
I would like to announce the next LEW Students to reach 50 lessons with LEW. What a great achievement. You have made so much progress since your first lesson. You should both be very proud of yourself.

Well done Melisa & Miriam,​ let's hope your English continues to go from strength to strength. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

Marta's 100th Lesson
Marta's 100th Lesson
Another LEW Student to reach 100 lessons with LEW. What an incredible achievement. You have made so much progress since your first lesson. You should be very proud of yourself.
Congratulations Marta!
Congratulations Marta!
Marta continues to have lessons with LEW today.

Miguel's 200th Lesson
A congratulations is in order for the first LEW student to reach 200 lessons. Well done, you have made outstanding progress since your 1st lesson. Let's hope your progress continues.
Congratulations Miguel
Miguel continues to have lessons with LEW today.

Jose & Gemma's 150th Lesson
A congratulations to the first couple to reach 150 lessons with LEW. What a phenomenal achievement. You should both be very proud of yourselves.
Congratulations Jose & Gemma
Jose & Gemma had over 150 lesson with LEW.

Jose & Gemma's 100th Lesson
A congratulations to two more LEW Students to reach 100 lessons with LEW. You have both made so much progress since your first lesson.
Congratulations Jose & Gemma
Jose & Gemma had over 150 lessons with LEW.

Miguel's 150th Lesson
A congratulations is in order for the next student to reach 150 lessons. Very well done, you have made outstanding progress since your 1st lesson. Let's hope your progress continues.
Congratulations Miguel
Miguel continues to have lessons with LEW today.

Miguel's 100th Lesson
Another LEW Student to reach 100 lessons with LEW. What an incredible achievement. You have made so much progress since your first lesson. You should be very proud.
Congratulations Miguel
Miguel continues to have lessons with LEW today.

Natalia's 100th Lesson
The first LEW Student to reach 100 lessons. What an incredible achievement. You have made so much progress since your first lesson. You should be very proud.
Congratulations Natalia
Natalia went on to have 150 lessons with LEW